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Our outcomes

CLI annual mentee survey

  • The following impact data is based on a mentee survey carried out across the period May to end September 2022. 
  • This is a rolling survey and a full set of impact date for our 2022/23 year will be presented mid 2023.
  • For more information, or to discuss the impact of CLI’s work please contact us at

Mentee Satisfaction: Net Promoter Score

On a scale of 0-10, where 0 is least and 10 is most, how likely are you to recommend CLI’s support to someone else who needs it?

“You guys have proved consistent and being there for me is what makes your service so great. I don’t feel like I am being passed around like I have in the past.”
CLI Mentee​​

“I feel more motivated to do things. The support has helped me, and I feel like you have always got time for me. I feel like I can do more now. You have talked to me about some things you’ve been through. It makes me think: if you can do it, I can do it.”
CLI Mentee​​

Promoter (9-10)

Passive (7-8)

Detractor (0-6)

Quality of life change

Over 4 out of 5 mentees said their quality of life had improved; most mentioned this was because they felt supported in their life (by their mentor) and were now making tangible changes.

Has your quality of life changed because of your work with CLI?

“In general, having someone to talk to and, on top of that, knowing that support is there. With CLI, I have discovered alternative services that can help me once I have completed my time with my support worker. Leaving the house is not as daunting now.”

“I feel like I can ring [my mentor,] Chloe and rant to her when something is getting to me, but she will also tell me if I take it too far which I need sometimes. It’s nice to have someone.”

Community Connection:

Over half of mentees reported that the number of quality relationships in their life had increased because of CLI; a larger proportion feel better able to connect with people around them.

To what extent have the number of quality relationships you have in your life changed because of CLI? 

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: 
Working with CLI has made me feel more able to talk to and connect with the people in my day-to-day life.”

Future and Independence: Achieving Goals With CLI

Almost all mentees have at least partially met some of the goals they’ve set since working with CLI and a quarter have completely met their goals. 

To what extent have [your] goals been met [because of CLI]?

“My main goal was around confidence. Up until this point, I have been withdrawn from everyone and everything. I set goals around getting out in the community and actually making progress towards positive things. Also, I sought out emotional support. My mental health situation has been difficult, and I wanted to explore options.”
CLI Mentee who has ‘partially met’ these goals

Future and Independence: Are Mentees Confident About The Future?

Mentees report they are more confident about their futures because of their work with CLI. They are both more excited for the future, as well as more confident in their ability to weather any problems that come up. ​


To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:

Because of CLI, I am better able to find solutions to problems when they come up.” 

“Since working with CLI, I am more excited about what might happen in my life in the future.” 

We would love to hear from you!

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Become a Mentor with CLI and make a real difference to someones future. Our volunteers are the driving force for helping people to turn their lives around.

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