We believe change is possible.
At CLI we use our collective lived experience of transformation and change to inspire those we support to envisage a different life beyond the criminal justice system, addiction and homelessness.
We provide hope that change can be achieved, and that we are there for the journey.

Our outcomes clearly demonstrate that mentoring relationships are a highly effective way to support people who are trying to achieve positive change and build a new life that looks different from their past.
With our one-to-one support we help people envisage a different future and possibilities, identify their strengths and talents, and get started.
We build a depth of relationship with those we support, built on mutual trust, that inspires change and supports momentum.
“Up until this point, I have been withdrawn from everyone and everything. I’ve now set goals around getting out in the community and actually making progress towards positive things. Also, I’ve sought out emotional support. My mental health situation has been difficult, and I wanted to explore options”.