In 2022 we developed an impact measurement frameworkdesigned to allow us to understand how well…
CLI managing director goes to Cambridge
We are really pleased to announce that our very own managing director – Pete – has just spent his first two weeks at Cambridge University.
Pete was accepted on a Masters course for Applied Criminology, Penology and Management and will be attending the course in two week blocks, spread out over two years – with three study blocks in each year.
He said: “It felt a bit strange at first – especially as I kept on thinking – I have not even got a GCSE! But I make up for it in life experience. I now place a lot of value in learning and what I learn on the course will be of great benefit to the development of CLI and of me personally.”
It is his first day back at CLI with us today after starting the course and we want to say well done to him, we are all very proud of you. We know you will smash it!