In 2022 we developed an impact measurement frameworkdesigned to allow us to understand how well…
New Recovery Forum
CLI is proud to announce that its first Recovery Forum has been launched in Bedfordshire.
The forum was led by Pete Atherton, CLI’s operational director, with support from other members of the CLI team.
People came from a variety of services with the aim to build recovery communities, including from the adult service provider – Path2Recovery, Aquarius – the Young People’s service, East London Foundation Trust – the mental health team, the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP), local commissioners, and service users.
Pete said: “It was a great beginning and there’s determination to keep the momentum of the forums going, as well as starting other activities like creating an allotment. There was a commitment to listen and respond to service users to develop peer-led support in the local communities, so I am excited to see how it will develop.”
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